The Marketing Communications Industry

Journal Articles

The first three articles have been provided open access. Some links require journal subscription access which may be available through your university.

Chalaby, J.K. (2008), Advertising in the golden age: transnational campaigns and pan-European television channels, Global Media and Communication, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.139–156.

The change that has taken place with regard to pan-regional advertising campaigns by companies operating in Europe is discussed in the article that suggests that there were too few companies wanting to go pan-European leading the stations’ concern into financial difficulties. As the number of companies with an interest in meeting the globalisation challenge grew, the advertising industry was restructured. The article discusses the role of media buying agencies with the knowledge to facilitate such campaigns, essentially ‘glocal’, i.e. as the authors put it, a mix of local and global objectives met by ‘flexible local advertising’ and ‘integrated communication solutions involving cross-format and cross-platform opportunities’.


Deuze, M. (2007), Converging culture in the creative industries, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.10, No. 2, pp. 243–263.

This article looks at emerging practices in the media professions, including advertising and public relations as part of marketing communications, in response to the changing global environment that is now technology-led where interactivity is at the centre. The article looks at the key trends such as upstream marketing and citizen journalism that are part of culture convergence, and media production and consumption. Deuze looks through a lens of a combination of individual creativity and mass production, known as ‘creative industries’.


Johnson, M. and Tennens, M. (2005), The challenges of implementing a marketing strategy: a practitioner’s view, Journal of Medical Marketing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 44–56.

This article is concerned with marketing campaigns that are linked to bottom line results and driven by strategic objectives and as such is a case study of a pharmacy business that for many years did not consciously use marketing tools and techniques. Written by the Chief Operating Officer of the business and the MD of the marketing agency specialising in the design and implementation of marketing communications programmes, the article discusses the implementation of a programme that includes research, telemarketing, brand image, collateral development, public relations and customer relations management. The resultant marketing strategy, integrated with sales strategy and the development of the people in the business, is explained.


Miller, R. (2002), A prototype audit for marketing communications professionals, Marketing Theory, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 419–428.

Identifying and measuring functional marketing skills organisations need in the marketing communications area is advocated in this article that is concerned with job design, recruitment, training and outsourcing. The author provides a framework for skills definition and measurement in planning their careers in the knowledge that a better understanding of the marketing communications expertise required enables educators to offer courses in relevant applied marketing communications.


Sinclair, J. (2009), The advertising industry in Latin America: a comparative study, The International Communication Gazette, Vol. 71, No. 8, pp.713–733.

The author collaborates with several others from four Latin American locations (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile) and discusses economic and cultural globalisation. Beginning with ‘the great debate’ about cultural imperialism of earlier decades whereby the rich countries of North America and Europe tended to dominate ‘third world’ countries and moving on to the neglected area of the advertising industry, Sinclair suggests that the article presents a ‘detailed empirical account’ of the modes in which the advertising industry now binds the four countries of the study, economically and culturally.