Journal Articles


Benjamin, L.M. (2012) ‘Nonprofit organizations and outcome measurement: From tracking program activities to focusing on frontline work’, American Journal of Evaluation, 33(3): 431–447.

Chatterji, M. (2007) ‘Grades of evidence’, American Journal of Evaluation, 28(3): 239–255.

Pitcher, J. (2002) ‘Policies and programmes to address disadvantage among young people: Issues for evaluation’, Evaluation, 8(4): 474–495.

Schwandt, T.A. (2013) ‘International perspectives on evaluation’, American Journal of Evaluation, 34(4): 567–568.



Chelimsky, E. (2013) ‘Balancing evaluation theory and practice in the real world’, American Journal of Evaluation, 34(1): 91–98.

Hansen, Hanne Foss (2005) ‘Choosing evaluation models: A discussion on evaluation design’, Evaluation, 11(4): 447–462.

O'Sullivan, R.G. and D'Agostino, A. (2002) ‘Promoting evaluation through collaboration: Findings from community-based programs for young children and their families’, Evaluation, 8(3) 372–387.

Whitehall, A.K., Hill, L.G. and Koehler, C.R. (2012) ‘A Comparison of participant and practitioner beliefs about evaluation’, American Journal of Evaluation, 33(2): 208–220.



Desautels, G. and Jacob, S. (2012) ‘The ethical sensitivity of evaluators: A qualitative study using a vignette design’, Evaluation, 18(4): 437–450.

Ferris, L.E. (2000) ‘Legal and ethical issues in evaluating abortion services’, American Journal of Evaluation, 21(3): 329–340.

McDonald, K.E. and Myrick, S.E. (2008) ‘Principles, promises, and a personal plea: what is an evaluator to do?’, American Journal of Evaluation, 29(3): 343–351.

Morris, M. (1998) ‘Ethical challenges’, American Journal of Evaluation, 19(1): 71.

Morris, M. and Clark, B. (2013) ‘You want me to do what? Evaluators and the pressure to misrepresent findings’, American Journal of Evaluation, 34(1): 57–70.


Types of evaluation

Bamberger, M., Rugh, J., Church, M. and Fort, L. (2004) ‘Shoestring evaluation: Designing impact evaluations under budget, time and data constraints’, American Journal of Evaluation, 25(1), 5.

Dickson, R. and Saunders, M. (2014) ‘Developmental evaluation: Lessons for evaluative practice from the SEARCH Program’, Evaluation, 20(2): 176–194

Jackson, S.F. and Kolla, G. (2012) ‘A new realistic evaluation analysis method: Linked coding of context, mechanism, and outcome relationships’, American Journal of Evaluation, 33(3): 339–349.

Nanninga, M. and Glebbeek, A. (2011) ‘Employing the teacher-learner cycle in realistic evaluation: A case study of the social benefits of young people’s playing fields’, Evaluation, 17(1): 73–87.

Patton, M.Q. (2012) ‘A utilization-focused approach to contribution analysis’, Evaluation, 18(3): 364–377.

Stufflebeam, D.L. (2001) ‘Evaluation checklists: Practical tools for guiding and judging evaluations’, American Journal of Evaluation, 22(1): 71–79.


Power & participatory evaluation

Baur, V.E., Van Elteren, A.H.G., Nierse, C.J. and Abma, T.A. (2010) ‘Dealing with distrust and power dynamics: Asymmetric relations among stakeholders in responsive evaluation’, Evaluation, 16(3): 233–248.

Chouinard, J. (2013) ‘The case for participatory evaluation in an era of accountability’, American Journal of Evaluation, 34(2): 237–253.

Smits, P.A. and Champagne, F. (2008) ‘An assessment of the theoretical underpinnings of practical participatory evaluation’, American Journal of Evaluation, 29(4): 427–442.

Themessl-Huber, M.T. and Grutsch, M.A. (2003) ‘The shifting locus of control in participatory evaluations’, Evaluation, 9 (1): 92–111.


Data collection tools

Brandon, P.R., Taum, A.H., Young, D.B., Pottenger III, F.M. and Speitel, T.W. (2008) ‘The complexity of measuring the quality of program implementation with observations’, American Journal of Evaluation, 29(3): 235–250.

Campbell, R., Adams, A.E. and Patterson, D. (2008) ‘Methodological challenges of collecting evaluation data from traumatized clients/consumers: A comparison of three methods’, American Journal of Evaluation, 29(3): 369–381.

Cohen, D.J., Leviton, L.C., Isaacson, N., Tallia, A.E. and Crabtree, B.F. (2006) ‘Online diaries for qualitative evaluation’, American Journal of Evaluation, 27(2): 163–184.

Cook, T. (2006) ‘Collaborative action research within developmental evaluation: Learning to see or the road to myopia?’, Evaluation, 12(4): 418–436.

Kitto, R.J. and Barnett, J. (2007) ‘Analysis of thin online interview data’, American Journal of Evaluation, 28(3): 356–368.

May, H. (2004) ‘Making statistics more meaningful for policy research and program evaluation’, American Journal of Evaluation, 25(4): 525–540.

Moro, G., Cassibba, R. and Costantini, A. (2007) ‘Focus groups as an instrument to define evaluation criteria: The case of foster care’, Evaluation, 13(3): 340–357.


Mixed methods

Greene, J.C., Benjamin, L. and Goodyear, L. (2001) ‘The merits of mixing methods in evaluation’, Evaluation, 7(1): 25-44.

Lawrenz, F. and Huffman, D. (2002) ‘The archipelago approach to mixed method evaluation’, American Journal of Evaluation, 23(3): 331–338.

Lucke, J.C., Donald, M., Dower, J. and Raphael, B. (2001) ‘Considerations in the design of a mixed-method cluster evaluation of a community programme for “at-risk” young people’, Evaluation, 7(1): 110–131.


Data analysis

Drew, R., Aggleton, P., Chalmers, H. and Wood, K. (2011) ‘Using social network analysis to evaluate a complex policy network’, Evaluation, 17(4): 383–394.

Hoong Sin, C. (2007) ‘Using software to open up the “black box” of qualitative data analysis in evaluations: The experience of a multi-site team using NUD*IST Version 6’, Evaluation, 13(1) 110–120.

McConney, A., Rudd, A. and Ayres, R. (2002) ‘Getting to the bottom line: A method for synthesizing findings within mixed-method program evaluations’, American Journal of Evaluation, 23(2): 121–140.

Strange, V., Allen, E., Oakley, A., Bonel, C., Johnson, A., Stephenson, J. and The Ripple Study Team (2006) ‘Integrating process with outcome data in a randomized controlled trial of sex education’, Evaluation,  12(3): 330–352.

Thomas, D. R. (2006) ‘A general inductive approach for analyzing qualitative evaluation data’, American Journal of Evaluation, 27(2): 237–246.


Writing up

Abma, T.A. (1998) ‘Text in an evaluative context: Writing for dialogue’, Evaluation, 4(4): 434–454.

Geva-May, I. and Pal, L.A. (1999) ‘Good fences make good neighbours: Policy evaluation and policy analysis – exploring the differences’, Evaluation, 5(3): 259–277.

Johnson, J., Hall, J., Greene, J.C. and Ahn, J. (2013) ‘Exploring alternative approaches for presenting evaluation results’, American Journal of Evaluation, 34(4): 486–503.