Designing Qualitative Research
Sixth Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window
- Adams, T. E. (2008). A review of narrative ethics. Qualitative Inquiry, 14(2), 175–194.
- Beach, D. (2003). A problem of validity in educational research. Qualitative Inquiry, 9(6), 859–873.
- Bhattacharya, K. (2007). Consenting to the consent form: What are the fixed and fluid understandings between the researcher and the researched? Qualitative Inquiry, 13(8), 1095–1115.
- Cho, J., & Trent, A. (2006). Validity in qualitative research revisited. Qualitative Research, 6(3), 319–340.
- Cho, J., & Trent, A. (2009). Validity criteria for performance-related qualitative work: Toward a reflexive, evaluative, and co-constructive framework for performance in/as qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry, 15(6), 1013–1041.
- Davies, D., & Dodd, J. (2002). Qualitative research and the question of rigor. Qualitative Health Research, 12(2), 279–289.
- Guillemin, M., & Gillam, L. (2004). Ethics, reflexivity, and “ethically important moments” in research. Qualitative Inquiry, 10(2), 261–280.
- Hostetler, K. (2005). What is “good” education research? Educational Researcher, 34(6), 16–21.
- Maxwell, J. A. (2004). Causal explanation, qualitative research, and scientific inquiry in education. Educational Researcher, 33(2), 3–11.
- Milner, H. R. (2007). Race, culture, and researcher positionality: Working through dangers seen, unseen, and unforeseen. Educational Researcher, 36(7), 388–400.
- Warin, J. (2011). Ethical mindfulness and reflexivity: Managing a research relationship with children and young people in a 14 year qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) study. Qualitative Inquiry. 17(9), 805-814.