Designing Qualitative Research
Sixth Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window
- Dicks, B., Soyinka, B., & Coffey, A. (2006). Multimodal ethnography. Qualitative Research, 6(1), 77–96.
- Collins, M., Shattell, M., & Thomas, S. P. (2005). Problematic interviewee behaviors in qualitative research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 27(2), 188–199.
- Dewing, J. (2002). From ritual to relationship: A person-centered approach to consent in qualitative research with older people who have dementia. Dementia, 1(2), 157–171.
- Yeh, C. J., & Inman, A. G. (2007). Qualitative data analysis and interpretation in counseling psychology: Strategies for best practices. The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 369–403.
- Everhart, R. B. (1977). Between stranger and friend: Some consequences of long-term fieldwork in schools. American Educational Research Journal, 14, 1–15.
- Boser, S. (2007). Power, ethics and the IRB: Dissonance over human participant review of participatory research. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(8), 1060–1074.
- Cheek, J. (2007). Qualitative inquiry, ethics, and politics of evidence: Working within these spaces rather than being worked over by them. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(8), 1051–1059.
- Koro-Ljungberg, M., Gemignani, M., Brodeur, C. W., & Kmiec, C. (2007). The technologies of normalization and self: Thinking about IRB’s and extrinsic research ethics with Foucault. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(8), 1075–1094.
- Lincoln, Y. S., & Tierney, W. G. (2004). Qualitative research and institutional review boards. Qualitative Inquiry, 10(2), 219–234.
- Dewing, J. (2002). From ritual to relationship: A person-centered approach to consent in qualitative research with older people who have dementia. Dementia, 1(2), 157–171.
- Peek, L., & Fothergill, A. (2009). Using focus groups: Lessons from studying daycare centers, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina. Qualitative Research, 9(1), 31–59.