Designing Qualitative Research
Sixth Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
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- Beneito-Montagut, R. (2011). Ethnography goes online: towards a user-centred methodology to research interpersonal communication on the internet. Qualitative Research, 11(6), 716-735.
- Garcia, A. C., Standlee, A. I., Bechkoff, J., & Cui, Yan. (2009). Ethnographic approaches to the Internet and computer- mediated communication. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 38(1), 52–84.
- Gatson, S. N., & Zwerink, A. (2004). Ethnography online: “Natives” practicing and inscribing community. Qualitative Research, 4(2), 179–200.
- Hughey, M. W. (2008). Virtual (br)others and (re)sisters: Authentic black fraternity and sorority identity on the Internet. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 37(5), 528–560.
- James, N., & Busher, H. (2006). Credibility, authenticity and voice: Dilemmas in online interviewing. Qualitative Research, 6(3), 403–420.
- Seymour, W. S. (2001). In the flesh or online? Exploring qualitative research methodologies. Qualitative Research, 1(2), 147–168.
- Sixsmith, J., & Murray, C. D. (2001). Ethical issues in the documentary data analysis of Internet posts and archives. Qualitative Health Research, 11(3), 423–432.
- Williams, M. (2007). Avatar watching: Participant observation in graphical online environments. Qualitative Research, 7(1), 5–24.
- Dicks, B., Soyinka, B., & Coffey, A. (2006). Multimodal ethnography. Qualitative Research, 6(1), 77–96.
- Hurdley, R., & Dicks, B. (2011). In-between practice: working in the ‘thirdspace’of sensory and multimodal methodology. Qualitative Research,11(3), 277-292.
- Pink, S. (2011). Multimodality, multisensoriality and ethnographic knowing: social semiotics and the phenomenology of perception. Qualitative Research,11(3), 261-276.
- Dicks, B. (2013). Action, experience, communication: three methodological paradigms for researching multimodal and multisensory settings. Qualitative Research, 1468794113501687.
- Campbell, L. H., & McDonagh, D. (2009). Visual narrative research methods as performance in industrial design education. Qualitative Inquiry, 15(3), 587–606.
- Cappello, M. (2005). Photo interviews: Eliciting data through conversations with children. Field Methods, 17(2), 170–184.
- Raingruber, B. (2003). Video-cued narrative reflection: A research approach for articulating tacit, relational and embodied understandings. Qualitative Health Research, 13(8), 1155–1169.
- Rex, L. A., Murnen, T. J., Hobbs, J., & McEachen, D. (2002). Teachers’ pedagogical stories and the shaping of classroom participation: The dancer and the graveyard shift at the 7–11. American Educational Research Journal, 39(3), 765–796.
- Webb, J., & Foddy, M. (2004). Vested interests in the decision to resolve social dilemma conflicts. Small Group Research, 35(6), 666–697.