Chapter 8: Planning the Process in Qualitative Research

Sörensson, E., & Kalman H. (2017). Care and concern in the research process: Meeting ethical and epistemological challenges through multiple engagements and dialogue with research subjects.

This article describes the qualitative research process from an ethical and epistemological point of view.

Sörensson, E., & Kalman H. (2017). Care and concern in the research process: Meeting ethical and epistemological challenges through multiple engagements and dialogue with research subjects.  Qualitative Research, 18(6), 706–721.

Tomaszewski, L. E., Zarestky, J., & Gonzalez, E. (2020). Planning qualitative research: Design and decision making for new researchers.

This article addresses the problems of student researchers to decide for the appropriate methods in planning their research. The authors discuss four issues in particular: Problems, research questions, data collection, and data analysis.

Tomaszewski, L. E., Zarestky, J., & Gonzalez, E. (2020). Planning qualitative research: Design and decision making for new researchers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.