Learning Theories in Childhood
Second Edition
These weblinks direct you to relevant resources to deepen your understanding of chapter topics with visual examples. To view the materials click on the following link. Please note these will open in a new window.
- Take time to view the following YouTube video entitled, ‘Jerome Bruner - How does teaching influence learning?’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aljvAuXqhds which offers an interview with Jerome Bruner only a week after his 99th birthday. Then, having watched the video, consider the following: reflect upon a specific instance or situation when you have observed teaching to directly influence the learning of a young child or children. Now, identify key factors that lead you to:
1. feel confident that the actual teaching has had a direct and positive influence upon the learning of the child or children?
2. feel confident that actual learning has taken place.
3. feel confident in understanding the type of approach taken by the teacher when working with the child or children.
- Take time to view the following YouTube video entitled, ‘How Children Acquire and Produce Language (BBC, 2001)’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i1z37nYMrM which offers most interesting insights into the importance of language acquisition in young children. Then, having watched the video, consider the following:
1. How might Early Years practitioners work with parents to support them in developing their children’s speech and language?
2. What particular steps might Early Years practitioners take to support children with delayed language in their own Early Years settings?
- Take time to view the following two YouTube videos entitled, ‘Scaffolding Language Development’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLXxcspCeK8 and ‘Teaching Matters: Scaffolding’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gNjGD_W3dM both of which offer excellent insights into, and examples of, scaffolding in different situations. Readers may then wish to reflect upon the similarities between the ideas expressed by Vygotsky and those of Bruner in regard to creating learning situations in which children develop their thinking through working alongside adults.