Audio Interviews

Click the play button below to listen to key figures in the world of sexuality. Each interview provides perspectives from people who have acquired either comprehensive or uniquely specialized knowledge about sexual behavior.

Dr. Helen Fisher

Dr. Helen E. Fisher (1945-) is a researcher and ubiquitous speaker in the subject of love. As a biological anthropologist, Dr. Fisher has been achieved renown with her work the biology of love and attraction. Her renown in the field is such that one is hard pressed to find a documentary, Ted talk, or television special on love that does not at least mention her work. Her original research includes her using the fMRI, to explore the brain areas that are actively involved in romantic love. Dr. Fisher is a professor at Rutgers University, and author of numerous articles and several books, including Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Mating, Marriage and Why We Stray, Why Him? Why Her?: How to Find and Keep Lasting Love and Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. Beside her experimental and scientific work, Dr. Fisher has been instrumental in the development and functioning of dating websites and

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are subcortical bases of love?
  2. What is the difference between roles of oxytocin and dopamine in romantic love?
  3. What is the relationship between personality and hormones?

Beatrice Stonebanks

Beatrice Stonebanks is a business development sales leader and strategist, with 20+ years of experience. She is also a coordinator and editor-in-chief for Society of Janus, a BDSM education and support group. Ms. Stonebanks combines her corporate experience with her knowledge of BDSM, and organizes Corporate Dominatrix Trainings, where she teaches her students how to utilize gender differences and styles in corporate surroundings.  Importantly, she has helped people within the BDSM community organize and better understand their sexuality.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the Society of Janus? Why is it important for people with some unusual sexual preferences?
  2. How do dominance and submission affect life in general and sexuality in particular? Are real-life and sex life roles connected?
  3. In your opinion, why is BDSM so popular?