Mulitiple choice quiz

Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. In general, critical psychologies are in agreement that ___________.

  1. analyses must be social and historical
  2. variables must include reference back to individuals
  3. context cannot be ignored
  4. A & C


d. A & C

2. From the perspective of ____________, to understand a person one need not consider the social conditions that were in place during the person’s development or that are currently in place.

  1. metaphysics
  2. metaphysical dialectics
  3. individualism
  4. asocial constructionism


c. individualism

3. Critical psychologists believe that mainstream psychology __________ rather than concerning itself with improving the human condition.

  1. preserves the status quo
  2. adheres to the scientific method
  3. deals with human misery in the concrete
  4. avoids reflexivity by denying the obvious


a. preserves the status quo

4. German Critical Psychology, or Kritische Psychologie, intends to ___________.

  1. avoid politicizing psychology
  2. be for people
  3. be about people
  4. B & C


b. be for people

5. According to Holzkamp, variable psychology _________.

  1. while including contexts, excludes the experiences of those contexts
  2. examines the relations existing between variables
  3. adopts the standard experimental-phenomenological method
  4. B & C


d. B & C