Mulitiple choice quiz

Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. “Vademecum science” is science that ________.

  1. has firmly established principles and practices such that they are codified in “cookbooks” or procedural manuals
  2. relies exclusively on experimental procedures and eschews any theoretical propositions or explanations
  3. incorporates both qualitative and quantitative methods
  4. none of the above


a. has firmly established principles and practices such that they are codified in “cookbooks” or procedural manuals

2. The natural science approach to science includes all of the following except ___________.

  1. an emphasis on experimentation
  2. the meaning and intent of action
  3. the identification of lawful relations
  4. elementalistic reduction


b. the meaning and intent of action

3. To Kagan (2009), the natural sciences, the generalization made by the natural sciences transcend ______            but social sciences cannot ignore them.

  1. qualitative phenomena
  2. supernatural beliefs
  3. current historical conditions
  4. the quantitative imperative


c. current historical conditions

4. Wundt proposed a special branch of psychology called _________. This branch would study cultural products like language, custom, mythology, and art.

  1. cultural-historical psychology
  2. social psychology
  3. peuplepsychologie
  4. volkerpsychologie


d. volkerpsychologie

5. In experimenting on psychophysiological processes of a few people, but not cultural and social               phenomena, the research object of Wundt, to Danziger, was _______.

  1. psychophysics
  2. normative data on populations
  3. statistical norms
  4. the normal, adult mind of humans


d. the normal, adult mind of humans