Key thinkers

Discover more about pychology’s ‘Key Thinkers’ throughout history.

Edward C. Tolman (1886–1959)

E. C. Tolman’s was another who was concerned with the anti-mentalism of Watson. While Tolman reported that he was sold on objectivism and behaviorism as a psychological method, he found that he could not escape mentalistic categories.

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James J. Gibson (1904–1979)

Considered one of the most important psychologists in the field of visual perception, Gibson promoted ecological psychology.

Download the Key Thinker document to find out more. 

See also, Ecological Theory of Perception: The Key Thinkers Involved in Chapter 1.

Gestalt Laws of Grouping: The Key Thinkers Involved

Wertheimer (1880–1943), Köhler (1887–1967), and Koffka (1886–1941) were the founders of Gestalt psychology and were phenomenologists. A key aspect of Gestalt psychology are the ‘laws of grouping’, the idea that ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts.’ The properties in a unified whole cannot be explained by adding up the components that constitute the whole. Gestalt psychologists championed the idea of emergentism or emergent properties.

Download the Key Thinker document to find out more.