Mulitiple choice quiz

Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. In psychology, __________ refers to the changed conception of the human self as being independent of a person’s social position (such as lord or serf) and an emphasis on individuality. Prior to this people derived their sense of self from their place in the social order.

  1. modernity
  2. societality
  3. individualism
  4. libertarianism


a. modernity

2. People who advocate __________ propose that the world exists independently of individual people and it               can be known.

  1. realism
  2. empiricism
  3. rationalism
  4. existentialism


a. realism

3. In the 20th century there was a shift from realism and scientism in the social sciences towards relativism, subjectivism, and skepticism regarding objective knowledge that has been labelled __________.

  1. antiscientisim
  2. postmodernism
  3. anarchy
  4. anti-science


b. postmodernism

4. According to the ___________, if something is studied scientifically it means that such a something has to be measured.

  1. positivistic scaling
  2. scientific method
  3. quantitative imperative
  4. none of the above


c. quantitative imperative

5. Which of the following was not one of the four trends in the earliest (19th century) development in psychology?

  1. reaction time
  2. psychophysics
  3. individual differences
  4. statistical analysis


d. statistical analysis