Chapter 11: Working with Diversity and Difference
- Understanding Gender
- Culture and mental illness
- Asian culture and mental health
- Personality and culture shock
- Rethinking cultural competence
- Multicultural competence
- The Gender Trust
- Cultural Adaptations to Psychotherapy: Real-World Applications
- A Review of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Affirmative Counseling Assessments
- Rogers’s Person-Centered Approach: Consideration for Use in Multicultural Counseling
- Pink Therapy
- Essentialism in Everyday Thought.
- Transgender people, gender identity and gender expression
- Gender Identity
- BAATN (Black and Aisan Therapy Network)
- Black Lives Matter blog
- Dwight Turner Blog
- Muslim Counsellors' Network
- Amnesty International
- Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling (APSCC)
- The International Disability and Human Rights Network
- Disability Action
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- The Equality Act 2010 (Guidance)
- Stonewall, UK