
Activities to help supplement your studies and learning.

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Subject area: Continuing Professional Development – Building reflective practice into our work

Lesson number: 1

Suitable age range: 18 years upwards

Resources needed: staff team or students working in different teams, pens, paper

Expected timings: 1 hour

Expected outcomes of the activity: ????????

Details of the activity:

(With either a team in an individual setting or students reflecting on the different teams they are working in.)

Introduction (maximum 10 minutes): Outline the importance of research especially the role for small scale, qualitative research, and the role of reflective practice

Task 1: (20 minutes) How does the team currently reflect on practice, for example informal discussion at the end of day or during breaks, logs, formal reviews of areas of learning, audits of characteristics or effective learning or subject areas? How does the team use this information to improve children’s learning? 

Task 2: (20 minutes) How can we find out more about the children’s learning in our class or setting? Look at the suggestions of reflective practice in the chapter –what does each offer? Are there any challenges?

Conclusion: (10 minutes) Identify action plan for team, or for students identify strategies they will implement in the classroom.