Activities to help supplement your studies and learning.
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Bridge building
Subject area: Design and Technology
Lesson number: 1 of 5 (operating on a cycle of activities with Science)
Suitable age range: 7–11 years
Resources needed: A range of tools. A range of materials such as plastics, wood, cardboard, lollipop sticks, glue, etc., plus ‘found items’ from the home and school environment. A design brief presenting a variety of possible bridge construction techniques which include: a) an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of bridge shapes; b) the kind of materials that may be suitable; and c) schematic drawings and sketches of possible outcomes.
Expected timings: 80 minutes
Expected outcomes of the activity: Pupils will: a) design a bridge based on a design brief; b) make a model bridge based on their design; and c) develop their technical skills in designing and making.
Details of the activity:
Introduction: (10 minutes) Children will be introduced to the activity by the teacher. A variety of different kinds of bridge construction techniques will be introduced including stone lintel bridges, arch bridges, box girder bridges, and suspension bridges. This will be accomplished using images of real bridges and short YouTube video extracts.
Explain to the children that they have to work in pairs to: develop a design for a bridge; select appropriate materials from the classroom, resource areas or the school environment; build the bridge that they have designed. Sort children into pre-identified pairs.
Creating a design: (20 minutes) Ask the pairs to work on their designs which should include simple schematics and sketches for the bridge they will produce that will indicate bridge shape (construction technique) and materials to be used.
Selecting materials: (10 minutes) Ask the children to continue to work in pairs to select materials to commence the build of their design. This may include examining materials available in the classroom, school resource areas or in the wider school environment.
Constructing: (30 minutes) Ask children to commence the build of their designs using the materials that they have chosen.
Wrap up: (10 minutes) Final discussion of the outcomes of the lesson including asking pairs to explain their designs and progress so far. Explain that during the next session they will complete their designs and test them for strength and durability. Final tidy up.