Chapter 6: Models with Only Manifest Variables
6.1. The structural model shown below (excl. error terms) has been proposed as basis for a mapping of the factors affecting young peoples’ loyalty towards their bank. The model is inspired by ‘The European Customer Satisfaction Index’. Estimate their model using summated scales.
The latent variables are measured as follows:
Name of bank: Item 1
Quality: Items 2–7
Trust: Items 8–14
Image: Items 15–24
Satisfaction: Items 25–30
Use data Bank.sav
This exercise is based on a student project from my first year graduate class in research methodology at Aarhus School of Business, autumn 2006. I would like to thank the four business students Johnny Heidemann Jensen, Mads Ronøe Hansen, Ole Primholdt Christensen and Mikael Martinussen for allowing me to use their data.
6.2. The (structural) model shown below (excl. error terms) has been proposed as a basis for mapping the various factors affecting students’ intentions of buying food via the Internet. The model is inspired by ‘The Theory of Planned Behavior’ (Ajzen 1985; Ajzen 1991) as modified by Ramus and Grunert (2004). Estimate their model using summated scales.
The latent variables are measured as follows:
Demand for service: Q17–Q25
Willingness to spend money on food: Q1–Q8
Willingness to run a risk: Q9–Q16
Busy life style: Q34–Q41
Demand for convenience: Q26–33
Attitude: Q49–Q57
Needs: Q42–Q48
Intention to buy: Q58–Q60
Use data Food.sav
This exercise is based on a student project from my first year graduate class in research methodology at Aarhus School of Business, autumn 2006. I would like to thank the four business students Louise Tüxen, Rune Klemmensen, Martin Bjerre Hansen and Anne Høj Pedersen for allowing me to use their data.
Ajzen, I. (1985), "From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior," in Action-control: From cognition to behavior, J. Kuhl and J. Beckman, Ed. Heidelberg: Springer.
---- (1991), "The theory of planned behavior: ," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 171-211.
Ramus, K. and K. G. Grunert (2004), Consumers' willingness to buy food via the Internet: A review of the literature and a model for future research. Aarhus: Aarhus School of Business.