Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
New York Times, the Upshot, “The Divorce Surge Is Over, But the Myth Lives On”
New York Times, the Upshot, “How We Know the Divorce Rate Is Falling”
Truth or Fiction, fifty percent of American marriages are ending in divorce
Pacific Standard, “Why Do Women Usually File for Divorce?”
New York Times feature, “Divorce after 50 grows more common”
Council on Contemporary Families brief report, “Gray Divorce: A Growing Risk Regardless of Class or Education”
Pacific Standard, “The Kids Will Be All Right, Even Without the Nuclear Family”
Council on Contemporary Families brief report, “Remarriage in the United States: If at First They Don’t Succeed, Do Most Americans Try, Try Again?”
Motherlode blog post, “Stepmother: Not Evil. Not Perfect. Not Mom.”