Further Reading
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- Reference: Miller, P.M. (2015) ‘Families’ Experiences in Different Homeless and Highly Mobile Settings: Implications for School and Community Practice’, Education and Urban Society, 47(1): 3–32.
Description: An interesting article that looks closely at the issue of homelessness and how this affects children’s education and development.
- Reference: Mohanty, A.C. (2016) ‘Education, Income Distribution and Intergenerational Mobility: Findings from Field Data’, Contemporary Education Dialogue, 13(1): 33–56.
Description: This article offers useful insights into how data gained from research assists our understanding of children’s education and the economic contexts within which they grow up.
- Reference: Tatlow-Golden, M., O’Farrelly, C., Booth, A., O’Rourke, C. and Doyle, O. (2016) ‘”Look, I have my ears open”: Resilience and early school experiences among children in an economically deprived suburban area in Ireland’, School Psychology International, 37(2): 104–120.
Description: This article explores children’s appraisals of potential stressors in the lives of disadvantaged suburban children in their first year of schooling in Ireland.