Tourism Management: An Introduction
Second Edition
Further readings
Explore these online further readings to enhance your understanding and build up your bibliographies. SAGE journal articles have all been provided freely.
- Andergassen, R., Candela, G. and Figini, P. (2015) The management of tourism destinations. A policy game Tourism Economics, 23(1): 49-65.
- Knezevic Cvelbar, L., Dwyer, L., Koman, M. and Mihalic, T. (2015) Drivers of destination competitiveness in tourism a global investigation. Journal of Travel Research, 55(8): 1041-1050.
- Moen, B. (2017) Wyoming considers a tourism tax to pay for its destination marketing. Skift, 12 November.
- Oates, G. (2014) Montreal builds a blueprint for modern destination marketing. Skift, 14 February.
- Zavattaro, S. M. and Daspit, J. J. (2016) A grounded theoretical approach to understanding innovation in destination marketing organizations. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 22(4): 349-364.