Tourism Management: An Introduction
Second Edition
Further readings
Explore these online further readings to enhance your understanding and build up your bibliographies. SAGE journal articles have all been provided freely.
- Adobe, Epsilon and Skift (2017) How travel brands do customer service right on social media. Skift 22/02/2017.
- Adobe, Epsilon and Skift (2016) How voice and AI are changing digital travel. Skift 08/11/2016.
- Adobe, Epsilon & Skift (2016) How the internet of things will impact travel in 2017 and beyond. Skift, 19 December 2017.
- Amadeus (2017). Journey of me – What Asia Pacific travellers want. Skift, 18 August.
- Backer, E. and King, B. (2017) VFR traveller demographics: The social tourism dimension. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(3): 191-204.
- Hilton Hotels Plc (2016) Hilton launches its largest campaign ever with exclusive room rates not found anywhere else. 20 February.
- Kenesei, Z. and Stier, Z. (2017) Managing communication and cultural barriers in intercultural service encounters – Strategies from both sides of the counter. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(4): 307-321.
- Neuts, B., Romao, J., Nijkamp, P. and Shikida, A. (2016) Market segmentation and their potential economic impacts in an ecotourism destination: An applied modelling study on Hokkaido, Japan. Tourism Economics, 22(4): 793-808.
- Pelgrin-Borondo, J. and Arias-Oliva, M. (2017) Emotions, price and quality expectations in hotel services. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(4): 322-338.
- Peltier, D. (2016) Facebook has a new ad product tailor made for travel brands. Skift, 26 September.
- Powell, L. (2017) Inside the travel habits of China’s high-spending millennials. Skift, 24 October.
- Volo, S. (2010) Bloggers’ reported tourist experiences: Their utility as a tourism data source and their effect on prospective tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 16(4): 297-311.