SAGE Journal Articles
Abstract :
A content analysis was conducted to identify student behaviors associated with remediation. Identifying student behaviors associated with remediation could provide information to consider when developing student learning outcomes that address personal and professional competencies necessary for all students to display. A total of 26 articles were included in the study, which resulted in the identification of 34 student behaviors. Within the 34 student behaviors, 8 categories were identified: (1) ethical behaviors, (2) symptoms of a mental health diagnosis, (3) intrinsic characteristics, (4) counseling skills, (5) feedback, (6) self-reflective abilities, (7) personal difficulties, and (8) procedural compliance.
- When examining the behaviors, are there some that you feel are more problematic than others? Rank the 8 from least severe to most severe, then discuss with a partner.
- Which behaviors would you feel would occur the most frequent?
- How could counselor educator programs be proactive at screening for these behaviors?