SAGE Journal Articles


Stebnicki, M. A. (2009). Call for Integral Approaches in the Professional Identity of Rehabilitation Counseling: Three Specialty Areas, One Profession. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin , 52(2), 133–137.


There are multiple indicators that suggest there is a shift in the foundational principles and practices in rehabilitation counseling that have created professional identity concerns. These concerns relate to (a) philosophical differences in the role and function of rehabilitation counseling professionals, (b) professional counselor licensure laws mandating eligibility standards for practice, (c) a variety of professional counseling associations' divergent agendas for communicating the professional counselor's identity, and (d) perceptions and observations made by our colleagues from the other counseling specialty areas about our identity.

  1. How can the structural concerns for Rehabilitation Counseling explored in the article translate to the field of Professional Counseling
  2. What are the parallel discussed within the article and the chapter?
  3.  Based on your knowledge, what do you think could be done to unite the field of counseling?