Chapter 10: Understanding Methodologies: Evaluative, Action-Oriented and Emancipatory Strategies

A.    Checklist for Methods Appropriate to Evaluative Research

  • Have you determined if you will be conducting outcome or process evaluation?
  • If process oriented:

Have you determined if you will be exploring the perspectives of the providers, the recipients of the wider community?

Have you thought through the pros and cons of interviews, focus groups, and small-scale surveying?

  • If outcome-oriented:

Have you determined if you will be exploring the perspectives of the providers, the recipients of the wider community?

Have you thought through the pros and cons of interviews, document analysis, focus groups, and small-scale surveying?

Can you pull off an experimental/quasi-experimental comparison?

  • Can you find a matched control group?
  • Is baseline data available?

B.    Checklist for Managing Action Research

   Successfully managing action research will require:

  • Facilitating rather than directing
  • Managing the scope
  • Ensuring rigor in methods
  • Managing the pace
  • Keeping momentum
  • Managing people
  • Acting ethically
  • Needing a range of skills
  • Ownership