Chapter 8: Dialogue and documentation: Sharing information, developing a rich curriculum and a responsive pedagogy

Widen your reading by taking a look at this list of useful journal articles.

Article 1: Ryan, S., & Grieshaber, S. (2005). Shifting from developmental to postmodern practices in early childhood teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 56(1), 34-45.

Abstract: Changing times and postmodern perspectives have disrupted the taken-for-granted relationship between child development knowledge and the preparation of early childhood teachers. Despite ongoing exchanges about how best to respond to the critique of the developmental knowledge base, few descriptions of how particular teacher educators have gone about reconceptualising their curriculum exist. Employing postmodern views of knowledge, power, and subjectivity, this article describes three pedagogies employed by the authors to enact a postmodern teacher education. After describing each of these pedagogies – situating knowledge, multiple readings, and engaging with images – an example from classroom practice is given to illustrate how these strategies come together to assist students to understand how teaching enacts power relations. The article concludes with a discussion of some of the challenges involved in trying to shift from developmental to postmodern practices in the preparation of early childhood educators.


Article 2: Hallet, E. (2013). ‘We all share a common vision and passion’: Early years professionals reflect upon their leadership of practice role. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 11(3), 312-325.

Abstract: Early Years Professionals are graduate leaders working with children below 5 years of age, their families and practitioners in early years settings in the private, voluntary and independent sectors and children’s centres in England. Their leadership of practice role is central to raising the quality of early years provision and practice. In this qualitative research study, the leadership role of the Early Years Professional is explored. The biographical and reflective methodology enabled them to reflect upon their role and deconstruct their leadership style and practices. The study found that Early Years Professionals had a defined role as Leaders of Learning, a specialist group within the early years workforce. Their experience of working in settings, continuing professional learning in higher education, reflective practice, emotional passion and enthusiasm for working with young children enabled them to lead change in pedagogy and shape and improve professional practice through a collaborative leadership style.