Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide
Shuffled Essay #1
This is a short essay, in which the seven original paragraphs have been shuffled out of position. Your job is to shuffle them back into a logical order.
Download the shuffled essay document first. Try printing it out and cutting out each paragraph so that you can physically reorder them. Then download the unshuffled essay to compare your version to the original.
This exercise may come naturally to some but may well be very difficult for others. If it is difficult, be assured that you will be able to do it much more readily by the time you have finished Good Essay Writing. For those who do find it easy, you will hopefully have a greater understanding by the end of the book of why the structure of the unshuffled (original) essay ‘works’, and also ways to improve it.
Shuffled Essay – download and see if you can put it in the right order.
Unshuffled Essay – download to see the original essay.