Web Exercises
- Referencing the site: http://www.mdrc.org/publications by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, scan through the list of publications and select one to discuss in class. In particular, what role did randomized experiments play in the research design, and how may the findings be used in the decision making process?
- Using the following site: https://www.bja.gov/About/index.html, research how randomized experiments are used to study trends in criminal justice. Make sure to review the example publications found at: https://www.bja.gov/evaluation/program-law-enforcement/place-based7.htm. In particular, how can the information generated from randomized experiments be used in law enforcement policies?
- After reviewing the site: www.tessexperiments.org for examples of randomized experiments, design a proposal for an experiment that you would be able to conduct in your field of study. How would you address the limitations that are inherent to randomized studies, as discussed in chapter 14 of the textbook?