Handling Qualitative Data
A Practical Guide
Handling Qualitative Data
A welcome from the author:
The book is designed for researchers who have qualitative data and want to do justice to it. The chapters walk you through basic processes of designing data, handling data records, interpreting and reporting findings.
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This website provides four sets of highly unusual resources to accompany the book:
- Methods in Practice: Real researchers talk about real projects
The stories of ten projects, (from eight countries and as many qualitative methods), are told here, in the researchers' own voices. How was the project set up, what data were sought and created, how did the researcher work with the data, what actually happened during analysis and reporting?
- Qualitative Software: This is not a summary of the current state of the various software products aimed at qualitative researchers. But it does tell you where to go for such summaries. And more importantly, it advises you before you go shopping for software. Should you use qualitative software, and how? How to find impartial, useful and non-marketing advice about software products? And it then provides help on how to manage your relationship with your software, including a brief handbook of advice to help you ask the necessary questions as you start stepping into software.
Data Visualisation in Qualitative Research: This new section explores why visualisation tools have been so little used in traditional qualitative research, and how, well used, they can enhance both your enquiry and your reporting. It discusses simple visualisation without computers and data-generated visualisations with specialised software. It includes an annotated list of references and links on data visualisation in qualitative work.
Telling Research: This new section is about the many ways of communicating research, a major theme in the book. It contains contributions from two researchers writing of their experience of reporting their research projects beyond the usual thesis and academic presentation. A third contribution discusses communicating your research online, and a final section provides notes and presentation on ways of telling it to your supervisor using qualitative software.
I hope these pages are not only useful but enjoyable, and that they help you towards the task of doing justice to your data.
Lyn Richards,
To learn more about the book, visit the SAGE website
Want even more help in analysing your data?
Visit SAGE’s Qualitative Data Analysis Software Resource Centre for extra help with your research. There you’ll find books and online resources covering every aspect of the process from choosing a software programme and getting started on your project, to data management and coding:
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