Analyzing categorical data (Khan Academy)
This unit from the Khan Academy covers identifying individuals, variables and categorical variables in a data set. It introduces two-way tables (cross-tabs) and relative frequencies (which translate into row/column/total percentages).
SPSS tutorials: frequency tables for categorical data (Kent State University)
This tutorial from Kent State University shows how to create frequency tables for categorical variables, with and without accompanying charts.
SPSS tutorials: crosstabs (Kent State University)
This tutorial from Kent State University shows how to create crosstabs with counts and percentages, including an explanation of how the percentages are calculated.
SPSS tutorials: recoding variables (Kent State University)
This tutorial shows how to use Recode into Different Variables and DO IF syntax to change or merge the categories of string or numeric variables in SPSS.
SPSS tutorials: auto-recoding string variables (Kent State University)
In SPSS, recoding categorical string variables to numeric codes and converting blank strings to missing values can be done automatically using Automatic Recode.
SPSS TableLooks (SPSS tutorials)
This tutorial looks at ways to customise table appearance in SPSS, showing how to apply and alter templates.
Changing data display formats (IBM)
This guide gives a quick overview of how to change the display format of pivot tables using the Pivot Table Editor.