Displaying and comparing quantitative data (Khan Academy)
This tutorial from the Khan Academy will give you a good overview of the different graphical displays of quantitative data, though it is not an SPSS tutorial.
Creating graphs in SPSS (Open University)
This tutorial from the Open University gives a quick introduction to producing the main chart types using Chart Builder.
Learn about boxplots in SPSS with data from the UK living cost and food survey (2010)
This tutorial gives a thorough introduction to the uses, interpretation and production of boxplots in SPSS. It has a student guide and how-to guide for SPSS that can be accessed under ‘Teaching and Learning Material’.
Learn to use scatter plots in SPSS with data from the World Bank
This tutorial gives a thorough introduction to the uses, interpretation and production of scatterplots in SPSS. It has a student guide and how-to guide for SPSS that can be accessed under ‘Teaching and Learning Material’.
Using split file (Kent State University)
This tutorial shows you how to use the split file function. When analyzing data, it is sometimes useful to temporarily "group" or "split" your data in order to compare results across different subsets. This can be useful when you want to compare frequency distributions or descriptive statistics with respect to the categories of some variable (e.g., Gender) - especially if you want separate tables of results for each group.
Comparing two means (Khan Academy)
This unit from the Khan Academy explains the concepts behind a comparison of means.