Annotated Further Reading
Aldrich, J.O. and Rodriguez, H.M. (2013) Building SPSS Graphs to Understand Data. London: Sage.
See chapter 16 (‘Paneling on one dimension’) for an overview of panelled charts, which can be used to create panelled histograms.
Marchant-Shapiro, T. (2015) Statistics for Political Analysis: Understanding the Numbers. London: Sage/CQ Press.
This book includes some basic instructions for using SPSS to conduct data analysis, and the examples are from political science. See chapter 7 (‘Hypothesis testing: Examining relationships’), particularly the section ‘Analysis of variance’ for ANOVA.
Pallant, J. (2016) SPSS Survival Manual. Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education.
This book provides a functional overview of how to produce statistics in SPSS. See various chapters in Part 5 (‘Statistical techniques to compare groups’) for coverage of comparison of means, t-tests, ANOVA and Mann–Whitney U tests.