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Understanding Conflict Resolution
Sixth Edition
Peter Wallensteen
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Annotated Further Readings
Chapter 1: Understanding conflict resolution
Chapter 2: Armed conflicts and peace agreements
Chapter 3: Approaches to conflict resolution
Chapter 4: Analysing conflict resolution
Chapter 5: The resolution of conflicts between states
Chapter 6: Conflict resolution in civil wars
Chapter 7: Conflict resolution in state formation conflicts
Chapter 8: Conflict complexes and internationalization of conflicts
Chapter 9: International organizations in conflict resolution
Chapter 10: Coercion and enforcement
Chapter 11: Conflict prevention and peacebuilding
Chapter 12: Universal themes for conflict resolution
Chapter 13: Global challenges to conflict resolution
Chapter 14: Prosects for peacebuilding in the 2020s
Sage Journal Articles
Chapter 1: Understanding conflict resolution
Chapter 2: Armed conflicts and peace agreements
Chapter 3: Approaches to conflict resolution
Chapter 4: Analysing conflict resolution
Chapter 5: The resolution of conflicts between states
Chapter 6: Conflict resolution in civil wars
Chapter 7: Conflict resolution in state formation conflicts
Chapter 8: Conflict complexes and internationalization of conflicts
Chapter 9: International organizations in conflict resolution
Chapter 10: Coercion and enforcement
Chapter 11: Conflict prevention and peacebuilding
Chapter 12: Universal themes for conflict resolution
Chapter 13: Global challenges to conflict resolution
Chapter 14: Prospects for peacebuilding in the 2020s
Sage Videos
Chapter 5: The resolution of conflicts between states
Chapter 9: International organizations in conflict resolution
Chapter 10: Coercion and enforcement
Chapter 11: Conflict prevention and peacebuilding
Chapter 12: Universal themes for conflict resolution
Chapter 14: Prospects for peacebuilding in the 2020s
Sage Journal Articles