Chapter 12: Social Perspectives: Understanding People and Places

1. ______ is the study of people in naturally occurring settings or ‘fields’ by methods of data collection which capture their social meanings and ordinary activities, involving the researcher participating directly in the setting, if not also in the activities, in order to collect data in a systematic manner but without meaning being imposed on them externally.

  1. Participant observation
  2. Action research
  3. Focus group
  4. Ethnography

Answer: D

2. Economists have theorized about growth and progress and the nature of entrepreneurship within the larger economic system, and they have also undertaken substantial numbers of concrete case studies of entrepreneurial action.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B


Economists seldom undertake case studies of entrepreneurial action.

3. According to Johnstone (2007), in writing ethnographies, researchers are always caught up in a tension between ______.

  1. subjectivity and objectivity
  2. validity and reliability
  3. quality and quantity
  4. depth and generalizability

Answer: A

4. The effectuation approach to entrepreneurship involves ______.

  1. identifying what resources are available and then assessing what enterprise can be created
  2. starting with a plan and then acquiring relevant resources
  3. a combination of these
  4. none of these

Answer: A

5. Which of the following is not a socio-economic factor explaining the location of enterprises (as identified in the text)?

  1. proximity to suppliers
  2. availability of suitable physical infrastructure
  3. proximity to other stakeholders
  4. entrepreneurs’ networking activity

Answer: D

6. According to Zafirowski (1999), entrepreneurship possesses an eminently ______ character and is subject to the operation of definite ______ processes.

  1. economic; measurable
  2. social; societal
  3. financial; monetary
  4. flexible; indefinable

Answer: B

7. In the text which group of people are described as ‘hidden’ entrepreneurs?

  1. people who do not access venture capital
  2. small business owners
  3. ethnic minorities
  4. women

Answer: D


‘Women’, especially when their contribution is as a member of a family business.

8. Which of the following is not one of the sub-themes in the social perspective of entrepreneurship?

  1. gender
  2. ethnicity
  3. family
  4. locus of control

Answer: D

9. An early finding on the use of networks by entrepreneurs was that they rely on ______.

  1. informal sources of the personal contact network to mobilize resources before the formation of a venture
  2. formal sources of the personal contact network to mobilize resources before the formation of a venture
  3. weak sources of the personal contact network to mobilize resources before the formation of a venture
  4. strong sources of the personal contact network to mobilize resources before the formation of a venture

Answer: A

10. Human capital refers to ______.

  1. being known and trusted by others
  2. relevant experiences, skills and knowledge
  3. the latent network
  4. the personal contact network

Answer: B