This book’s online resources are organised around the different phases of the research data lifecycle, to offer the support you need to complete each stage of your research project successfully. Click through the different stages on the left, from data discovery to reuse to find the following resources:  

Videos chosen by the authors to enliven the research data lifecycle and provide essential how-to guidance on storing data securely.

Case Studies showcasing data reuse in action help bring theory to life and exemplify how research works in the real world.

Weblinks to data repositories, policies, guidelines and more help you implement best practice and ensure your research follows legal and ethical codes.

Tools and Templates provide ready-made support for key stages like making a data management plan, creating consent forms and ensuring anonymization of data.

Checklists designed by experts help you make sure you never miss a step when managing data.

Exercises enable you to build your understanding of the research data lifecycle and learn about important issues like data access, licensing and copyright.

Real World Data like interview transcripts offer the chance for you to practice your skills at your own pace.

Answers to In-Chapter Exercises enable you to check your understanding so you can feel secure in your knowledge of data management processes.

Just click on the links to the left.

For advice to support your studies visit the SAGE Study Skills website for videos, quizzes and tips to help with your essay and dissertation writing, presentations, literature reviews and more.

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