Chapter 11: Functions and Linear Graphs
Below, you can find links to selected SAGE Journal Articles to explore some of the chapter topics further.
Gerofsky, S. and Zebehazy, K. T. (2020) ‘Enhancing Mathematical Noticing of Graphs through Movement, Voice, and Metaphor: An intervention with two students with visual impairment’, British Journal of Visual Impairment.
Howard, N. R. et al. (2019) ‘Let’s Talk: An Examination of Parental Involvement as a Predictor of STEM Achievement in Math for High School Girls’, Urban Education.
Powell, S. R., Driver, M. K. and Julian, T. E. (2015) ‘The Effect of Tutoring With Nonstandard Equations for Students With Mathematics Difficulty’, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 48(5), pp. 523–534.