Web Exercises

Web exercises direct both instructors and students to useful and current web sites, along with creative activities to extend and reinforce learning or allow for further research on important chapter topics.

  • Visit the One Laptop Per Child Project: http://one.laptop.org/. Read some of the stories and look at the map: http://one.laptop.org/map. What areas are they targeting? What is the purpose of such an organization? How does it fit into your understanding of globalization and the media after reading Chapter 10? How important do you think this project is and how successful will it be? Can you think of any negative effects this project might have?

  • Michael Jackson and Cultural Imperialism
    Look at these pictures of Michael Jackson fans around the world mourning his death: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2009/06/27/michael-jacksons-global-reach/
    What are the similarities between these pictures? The differences? Do you think the global reach of Michael Jackson represents cultural imperialism? How might you argue that it is more complicated, using the arguments made in Chapter 10? Why do you think an American pop star like Michael Jackson had such a global reach? Try to think of as many reasons as possible, considering all aspects of global media.

  • Visit the website of the media reform organization Free Press and look at the various issues that they focus on: http://www.freepress.net/work. Which of these issues are most important and interesting to you and why? What actions can you take to work on this issue? How do these issues apply to media around the world? Pledge with your classmates to take at least one action on a media issue of importance to you.

  • The Glocalization of Married with Children: Read this brief blogpost about different versions of a classic sitcom around the world. http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2012/06/26/the-glocalization-of-married-with-children/.
    Look at the pictures and view the video at the end. What does the term “glocalization” mean? How does the phenomenon of glocalization relate to the tensions around globalization, media, and cultural imperialism discussed in Chapter 10? Why might nations choose to create their own versions of “Married with Children” or “Everybody Loves Raymond” rather than import the originals? What differences do you see in the local versions compared to the U.S. version, and what do you think might explain these differences? Do you know of any other shows that have different versions around the world? Overall, do you think these “new” versions indicate cultural imperialism or the preservation of local cultures?