Journal Articles

Access to full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter. Journal articles can act as an ideal resource to help support your assignments and studies.

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Article 1: Gamson, Josh and Pearl Latteier. 2004. “Do Media Monsters Devour Diversity?” Contexts. Summer: 3(3): 26-32.

Abstract: Politicians and critics have long lamented that the rise of huge media conglomerates means the death of diversity in newspapers and on the airwaves. But research suggests that media conglomeration, however distasteful, does not necessarily reduce diversity.

  1. What are the authors saying about the relationship between media consolidation and media diversity? How does this differ from the studies of media diversity summarized in Chapter 2?
  2. What are the three types of media diversity the authors explore? How is each one defined?
  3. How do the authors complicate each type of media diversity?
  4. How are the explanations they give indicative of a positive attitude towards the current media system? Negative?
  5. Why do the authors say we should still fight for media reform?
  6. Given this article alongside Chapter 2, what do you think are the major concerns around big media and media diversity, if any?


Article 2:Carpenter, Serena. 2010. “A study of content diversity in online citizen journalism and online newspaper articles.” New Media & Society. 12(7): 1064-1084.

Abstract: The presence of a diversity of information offers citizens access to a range of ideas, expertise and topics. In this study, a measure of content diversity was created to determine whether online citizen journalism and online newspaper publications were serving this function in the USA. Based on the findings from a quantitative content analysis (n = 962), online citizen journalism articles were more likely to feature a greater diversity of topics, information from outside sources and multimedia and interactive features. The findings suggest online citizen journalism content adds to the diversity of information available in the marketplace.

  1. Which aspects of content diversity is the author studying and how? Why does she choose to compare online citizen journalism and online newspaper articles?
  2. What is online citizen journalism and how is it emerging from changes in the media? Have you ever engaged in citizen journalism? Do you think it can be as reliable as professional journalism?
  3. How does the author measure content diversity in the news?
  4. Which type of news does the author find has greater diversity of content? Why might this be?
  5. What implications do you think this has for the future of diverse news content?


Article 3: Arsenault, Amelia and Manuel Castells. 2008. “Switching Power: Rupert Murdoch and the Global Business of Media Politics: A Sociological Analysis.” International Sociology. 23(4): 488-513.

Abstract: This article proposes a hypothesis on the nature of power in the network society, the social structure of the Information Age. It argues that the ability to control connection points between different networks (e.g. business, media and economic networks) is a critical source of power in contemporary society. It then tests this hypothesis through a case study of Rupert Murdoch, CEO of NewsCorp. The operational dynamics of Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp are examined in order to illustrate how corporate media actors negotiate the power dynamics of the network society to serve their overarching business goals. It identifies key strategies used by these actors to penetrate new markets and expand audience share including: political brokering, leveraging public opinion, instituting sensationalist news formulas, customizing media content and diversifying and adapting media holdings in the face of technological and regulatory changes.

  1. Why do the authors’ argue that Rupert Murdoch is particularly situated to wield power? What is meant by saying that Murdoch is a “switcher”?
  2. How are the concepts of conglomerization, vertical control, and horizontal networking utilized in this article? How do these processes relate to vertical and horizontal integration?
  3. What are some of the specific ways by which Murdoch leverages his ability, through NewsCorp, to influence audiences around the world and gain political favors?