Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences
Media Resources
Watch and learn! Carefully selected media links will help bring key concepts and theories to life, preparing you for your studies and exams.
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Audio Links
The Echo Chamber Revisited: The media “echo chamber” is the idea that we are increasingly able to cherry-pick our news sources and thus reinforce our worldview.
On the Media: 9/11 and Films: Stephen Prince explores how filmmakers have taken on the challenge of capturing the truth of the 9/11 attacks.
“Honduran Street Artist Paints a New Image for His Country”: This piece profiles a Honduran street artist named “El Maestro” who works in advertising during the day, and tries to raise social awareness through public art at night.
Video Links
Returning Fire: This documentary examines the influences of war video games on users, our political culture, and our capacity to empathize with people directly affected by the actual trauma of war.
Militainment, Inc.: A clip from a documentary on the militarization of American popular culture, examining how U.S. news coverage has come to resemble Hollywood film, video games, and "reality television" in its glamorization of war.
TED Talks: Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice: Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice.
“When Hip-Hop Meets Politics”: A panel discussion from the Washington Post’s On Background about the intersection of hip-hop and politics.
Web Resources
Children and the Media. Resources on media and children from the advocacy group Children Now.
Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood. A coalition dedicated to limited the impact of commercialism on children.
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR).Liberal/left media watch group that publishes Extra!.
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. Public opinion research focused on attitudes toward the press and public policy, including a biennial news consumption survey.
Project Censored. Dedicated to public education about censorship and press freedom.
Center for a New American Dream. Organization that seeks to alter American values, especially around consumerism.
AlterNet. An independent news magazine that seeks to inspire activism on a range of social issues