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Chapter 4

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Challenger Explosion, Live Audience Reaction, 25th Anniversary

  1. How could the decision makers let this happen?
  2. Did the launch call for a programmed or nonprogrammed decision?
  3. How do you feel about President Bush's message to American school children?

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster Part 2: Final descent - BBC

  1. What decisions were made right before the Columbia Disaster?
  2. Can NASA officials be accountable for this disaster?
  3. What circumstances led to this disaster?

Asch Conformity Experiment

  1. If you were involved in this experiment, how do you think you would behave?
  2. Would you go along with the majority opinion or would you trust your own eyes?
  3. How can one avoid group think?

Henry Mintzberg on Decision Making

  1. Managers consider their job as thinking? Why?
  2. Can you use decision making for finding a mate?
  3. Thinking first, seeing first, and doing first when making decisions. Which approach do you take when making decisions?