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Chapter 7

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Taylorism on ABC World Report

  1. Frederick Taylor said that one machine can change work performance---The Stopwatch.
  2. How can managers find ways to make their workplace more productive?
  3. Is there a chance that we may live and work by Taylorism?

What to Ask the Person in the Mirror - Succession Planning & Delegation

  1. Why delegate if you can do it yourself?
  2. How can you manage your time better by delegating?
  3. Selecting who to delegate is just as important as managing the delegating process.

Employee Empowerment - Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get

  1. How can employees build job equity?
  2. Can you learn to influence people better?
  3. Think twice before you leave your current job - Action is embedded in the word satisfaction.

Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders

  1. What is the glass ceiling?
  2. Women should have the same opportunities than men?
  3. Organizing and delegating is not related to gender. Do you agree?