Chapter 10: Visual and Digital Methods of Research

  • Exploring Ethical Frontiers of Visual Methods - This article discusses how visual methods present new ethical challenges to researchers and outlines the Guidelines for Ethical Visual Research Methods launched at the Symposium on Exploring Ethical Frontiers of Visual Methods.

1. What new ethical challenges do visual methods raise?
2. What is meant by 'fuzzy boundaries'? 
3. Why is it important that visual researchers advocate the benefits of visual research? 

1. How are mixed methods and visual methods similar? 
2. How may visual methods aid research on disenfranchised populations? 
3. What recommendations can be made to mixed methods researchers who want to incorporate visual methods into their research?

1. What are the limitations of translating narratives through words alone? 
2. How may visual methods aid the 'go-along' technique in ethnography? 
3. What areas are visual methods able to uncover which can not be explored used non-visual methods?