Chapter 2: What is Sociological about the Digital Society?

  • The Digital Surveillance Society  This article provides an overview of sociological research investigating the escalating uses of predictive analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and machine learning by companies and state agencies, providing an examination of contemporary sociological work on how technologies impact upon society. 

1. According to Eubanks, which populations are disproportionately tracked by digital surveillance? 
2. Are surveillance systems always accurate? 
3. What is the digital doppelgänger logic of prediction and how does it differ from earlier approaches?

1. What is the grey divide? 
2. What factors influenced the likelihood of older adults using the internet? 
3. What factors kept 'offliners' from using the internet?

1. What is the digital divide? 
2. How has the digital divide changed globally? 
3.  What factors influence the global digital divide?