Chapter 16: Intimacies and Relationships

1. How may digital technologies allow young people to foster a sense of closeness with others? 
2. Why may online spaces extend lines of affinity? 
3. How can visual and participatory methods be used when researching intimacies?

  • Screened Intimacies: Tinder and the Swipe Logic - Using Tinder as a case study this article examines constructions of social connection through technology, demonstrating how the technologies have given rise to new forms of intimacies. 

1. What is meant by mediated intimacy? 
2. Does Tinder disrupt intimacy? 
3. Does Tinder encourage presumed intimacy?

1. What is meant by glocal intimacies? 
2. How has social media allowed the youth in the Philippines to live out their desires for modern love? 
3. How many the access to technology impact upon intimacies among transnational families?