Chapter 3: What is Sociological about the Environment?

1. Are environmental issues less damaging than had previously been predicted? 
2. How have social movements influenced environmental improvements? 
3. According to Boardman why are environmental problems marked by legitimate contestation?

  • Being Constructive: Social Constructionism and the Environment  This article highlights how a constructionist approach is useful to consider environmental issues. It outlines and refutes realist critiques levelled against social constructionist approaches which demonstrates why this approach may remain relevant for sociologists. 

1. How do realists frame environmental issues? 
2. How might environmental issues be socially constructed? 
3. How valid are realist critiques of  social constructionist approaches within environmental sociology?

  • Climate Change and Society: The Chimera of Behaviour Change Technologies  This article explores how governments have framed climate change and their attempts to address environmental issues. It also highlights how governmental climate change policies contradict with capitalist society's reliance on  consumerism and growth, demonstrating the social nature of environmental issues.

1. To what extent has international policy been successful at migrating climate change? 
2. Can environmental issues be resolved by governments encouraging individuals' to change their behaviour? 
3. How may capitalist societies encourage individuals to dissociate from environmental issues?