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Social Media Marketing
Fourth Edition
Tracy L. Tuten
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Define social media marketing
Social media in traditional marketing and strategy
Different types of social media
Social media: tool or strategy
Empowering customers through social media
Building your firm’s brand
Consumer engagement
Purchase process
Consumer insight
Future of social media in emerging markets
YouTube Playlist
Social Community
Strategic Foundations of SMM
Social Publishing
Social Entertainment
Social Commerce
Social Media Monitoring and Research
Additional Case Studies
Chapter 1: The Social Media Environment
Chapter 2: Social Consumers
Chapter 3: Network Structure and Group Influences in Social Media
Chapter 4: Social Media Marketing Strategy
Chapter 6: Social Community
Chapter 7: Social Publishing
Chapter 9: Social Commerce
Chapter 10: Social Media Analytics
Chapter 10: Social Media Analytics
An article on use cases for social media data
Priit Kallas (2017), ‘47 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools to Improve Your Results
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