Coinciding with the signposting in your textbook, here you will find a combination of links to selected external sites, downloadable documents featuring case studies and extra examples, as well as author-created group activities.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Suggested themes for group tasks to talk about your research project.
Group Task 1
- Introduce yourself to your group
- Explain your project briefly
- Discuss your initial ideas about your research design:
- What do you want to find out?
- How are you going to find it out?
- Who are you going to involve?
- When are you going to do this? How long will it take?
- What about the practical/ethical/emotional considerations?
Group Task 2
- How do you understand reality – are there universal laws that can be discovered (ontology)?
- Ideas about what can be researched and ‘found’ (epistemology).
- What role do you play in your research? Does who you are make a difference?
- How important is theory in your research?
- Are you testing a hypothesis, or starting from a more neutral position, carrying out inductive (bottom-up) research?