SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1
- What is meant by quality in this article?
- Why are quality criteria controversial?
- What is meant by “big tent” criteria?
- What is meant by “excellent qualitative research”?
Article 2
- How do the data analyzed and the approach to analysis affect the credibility of the findings?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of “qualitative synthesis analysis”?
- How do the synthesis findings compare to the findings of the separate studies?
- Discuss how qualitative synthesis analysis addresses issues of credibility?
Article 3
Morse, J.M (2005). The limits of research. Qualitative Health Research, 15(10), 1291-2.
- What are the limits of research identified here?
- What is the nature or genre of this article? How does that affect the credibility of the position taken in the article?
- What are the implications of this perspective for qualitative inquiry specifically?
- What is your own position on his issue? Why?
Article 4
- What is contribution analysis and how does it differ from attribution analysis?
- What was the reaction of program practitioners to the participatory nature of the analytical process?
- What issues does contribution analysis not address well?
- Discuss the kind of reasoning and interpretation involved in portraying the contribution of an intervention to observed changes. How does this approach affect a study’s credibility?
Article 5
- What is meant by validity in this article?
- What are the issues surrounding generalizations from case studies?
- What does the author argue is the connection between the way that initial evaluation questions are posed and the selection of the appropriate evaluation method in an ensuing evaluation?
- What is the value of raising awareness about case study evaluation methods more generally? How would this affect the credibility of qualitative studies?