SAGE Journal Articles
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Thinking Narratively
Angrosino, M. V. (1994). On the bus with Vonnie Lee: Explorations in life history and metaphor. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 23(1), 14-28.
Coulter, C. A., & Smith, M. L. (2009). The construction zone: Literary elements in narrative research. Educational Researcher 38(8), 577-590.
Poulos, C. N. (2012). Life, interrupted. Qualitative Inquiry 18(4), 323-332.
Saldaña, J. (2014). Blue-collar qualitative research: A rant. Qualitative Inquiry, 1-5.
Steyn, G. M. (2014). Creating a teacher collaborative practice in a South African primary school: The role of the principal. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 1-16.
Thinking Monologically
Ryder, S. (2010). I didn't have to play football to be hurt: An inquiry concerning the disjunction between public and private self. Qualitative Inquiry 16(5), 314-324.
Sandelowski, M., Trimble, F., Woodard, E. K., & Barroso, J. (2006). From synthesis to script: Transforming qualitative research findings for use in practice. Qualitative Health Research 16(10), 1350-1370.
Thinking Dialogically
Cannon, A. (2012). Making the data perform: An ethnodramatic analysis. Qualitative Inquiry 18(7), 583-594.
Thinking Poetically
Cahnmann, M. (2003). The craft, practice, and possibility of poetry in educational research. Educational Researcher 32(3), 29-36.
Weems, M. E. (2000). Windows. Qualitative Inquiry 6(1), 152-163.
Thinking Proverbially
Avoseh, M. B. M. (2013). Proverbs as theoretical frameworks for lifelong learning in indigenous African education. Adult Education Quarterly 63(3), 236-250.
White, A. C., Catsambas, T., & Monnet, M. (2002). Language, culture and health: Using proverbs to tackle gender inequities in health. Journal of Health Management 4(2), 269-282.