
Asia market entry strategy

This is a webpage by Asialink, one of the organizations set up to foster certain aspects of ‘Asia-capability’ of business and other stakeholders in the region, looking at Asia as a region and by respective country.

Doing business in Asia-Pacific/ Asia & International Markets

Consulting companies provide services to support companies in their Asian business approach. The first link takes you to an example of some of their resources, here around tax, compliance and reporting; the second link showcases another consulting company’s resources, some of which are freely available.

Ease of Doing Business rankings – World Bank

The World Banks’ Ease of Doing Business ranking measures business regulations that are conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm in a given country, and hence is indicative of what hinders or facilitates aspects we take into account in internationalization strategy and foreign operations into or within a given country. This link takes you to the Asia rankings.