Health Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach
The heart and circulatory system - How they work
These two videos provide fundamental information about heart functioning. The first is a very simple description of how the heart works to produce circulation. The second goes somewhat more deeply into this process, also describing a bit about what blood is and what it does.
Here we see fundamental processes that cause heart disease and its symptoms. It also includes risk factors that favour the occurrence of heart disease.
Cardiovascular disease overview
Here we will encounter several forms of heart disease (coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, aortic disease, peripheral vascular disease, congenital heart disease) and their subtypes. This video is very instructive.
Understanding cardiovascular disease: Visual explanation for students
This clip goes into somewhat greater detail concerning the processes underlying atherosclerosis and the many risk factors that cause it. Importantly, it also offers ways of primary prevention (before heart problems occur) and secondary prevention (once problems are already present).
Type A personalities vs type B personalities (Type D, Type T too!)
You probably have heard about the greater risk for coronary heart disease among people with a type A personality. This position turned out to be only partially correct, as it may be the hostility related to the type A that is key in this regard. However, there are individuals with other personality types who may be different risk of heart disease. This video tells you a bit about their characteristics and health risks.
Risk factors for heart disease: Stress
Stressful experiences may lead to heart disease and several other health problems. What we do about the stressors we encounter can diminish adverse events. This very brief video offers a couple of good suggestions to diminish some stressors and their impact.
What do we mean when we say heart attack? This video (produced by the Khan Academy) goes through a step by step description of what changes occur in the arteries that might eventually lead to heart attack.
What happens during a heart attack?
Krishna Sudhir
This video describes symptoms of heart attack and what happens biologically during an attack. It also lets you know what happens to heart attack patients to get them better in the hours after an attack.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is among the most common chronic illnesses. It is a form of obstructive lung disease in which individuals suffer long-term breathing problems and poor airflow. It may also be associated with heart disease. In this video we get an overview of how COPD comes about and how a diagnosis is made.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is among the leading causes of death within developed countries. Unfortunately, there is no cure for COPD. But this video tells you a bit about treatments to diminish symptoms and to manage the disorder, particularly lifestyle changes and medications.
Vaibhav Goswami
Heart disease is the greatest killer of men and women, and stroke is not all that far behind. In many ways it is more worrying given the disturbances that persist even if the person survives the stroke. This production describes several types of stroke, and what can be done to limit the damage that will otherwise occur.
Signs of stroke, and what to do for prevention and recovery
The symptoms of stroke need to be known, particularly by older individuals who are at greatest risk. This video produced by HealthSketch describes the signs of stroke, how these come about and what needs to be done to maximize the odds of recovery.