
Watch videos that cover a range of topics on all aspects of leadership covered in the book to supplement your reading and bring the theory to life.

Team based care – patient perspective

Whilst this is part of an American programme the discussion is relevant wherever you come from. Students from different fields interact and learn in a way that introduces them to the seamless teamwork of inter-professional collaborative practice that successful modern patient care delivery requires.


Tuckman team functioning

We can’t expect our new teams to perform well when team members first come together. It takes time to get people working together effectively, and team members often go through recognizable stages as they change from being collections of strangers to united groups with common goals. Psychologist Bruce Tuckman’s Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing model describes these stages. When you understand it, you can help your new team become effective more quickly. He first came up with the memorable phrase “forming, storming, norming, and performing” in his 1965 article, “Developmental Sequence in Small Groups.” He used it to describe the path that most teams follow on their way to high performance. Later, he added a fifth stage, “adjourning” (which is sometimes known as “mourning”). We look at how you can use this model to build a highly productive team, in the video.